Bd. Ion Ionescu de la Brad nr. 10, Sector 1, Bucuresti
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In March 2023, ROMATSA approved the “Gender Equality Plan" (GEP) document. The Plan establishes the basis for improving gender equality within ROMATSA and represents a set of commitments and actions aimed at promoting gender equality within the organisation. Through GEP, ROMATSA aims to promote gender equality through sustainable transformation of those processes in the culture and structure of the organization that produce gender imbalances and inequalities.

The document creates a sustainable model that can be easily updated based on the changing needs of the organisation and takes into account the current state of gender balance within organisation aiming to comply with the EU recommendations set out in the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.

The main objective of the plan is to ensure that ROMATSA is a safe place for everyone, operates in a manner that respects equality and diversity, is free from discrimination and ensures unhindered career progression for all employees.


GEP components at ROMATSA level


ROMATSA applies national and European policies and legislation in the field of gender equality Through GEP, we are aiming at a better implementation of the principles and objectives established in this way.

In terms gender equality in the staff structure, at the level of the Region there is a relatively balanced share of administrative staff (48% women, 52% men) and a higher share of women among MET staff (57% vs. 43%). For ATCO staff the share of women is 25%, similar to the level in other countries, and among ATSEP staff only 3% are women. Overall, women account for 28% of the total, especially given the low level of representation in the ATCO and ATSEP categories.

There has been a positive development in recent years at management level, where the proportion of women has risen to 35%.

Both the Collective Labour Agreement in force and the procedures for hiring, promotion and advancement of staff do not distinguish between the two genders and grant equal opportunities and rights. There is also no distinction between the two genders in terms of payment, as the coefficient grids are uniform across the organization irrespective of gender. 

In conclusion, GEP aims to improve equal opportunities and treatment in ROMATSA – the air navigation service provider, which performs specific functions related to air traffic management – and to create a sustainable model that can be easily updated based on changing societal and institutional needs.